Requests for advice

The Design Group is sometimes asked for advice or an opinion on planning matters prior to the formal submission of a planning application. The Group may agree to such a request, but only subject to the disclaimer below.


You have requested an opinion relating to a planning matter, from a committee member of Cottenham Village Design Group. The Committee wishes that the following items should be borne in mind in relation to any advice given.

The advice given will be based solely on the guidelines contained in the Cottenham Village Design Statement and their application to the proposals. Other planning issues, which are outside the scope of the Statement, will not be considered here. Important planning issues, which may have a bearing on the outcome of a planning application, will not therefore have been taken into account.

Advice by a committee member is given on the understanding that it does not constrain the Group in any way.

All planning applications are reviewed solely on the merits of the proposals contained in the formal applications submitted to South Cambridgeshire District Council, by planning officers, who make the decisions on all planning applications relating to Cottenham. It is recommended that further advice be sought from these officers: Tel: 08450 450 500.

Cottenham Parish Council is a statutory consultee on planning applications, and contact can be made with the Council through the Parish Clerk

Last amended January 2008

We aim to ensure that development and change in Cottenham is based on a considered understanding of the Village's past and present, and that it will contribute positively to the future of the Village, protecting and enhancing its special nature

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