Cottenham Landscape Questionnaire - Perceptions

How highly would you rate the quality (visual and environmental) of the landscape around Cottenham?

high 3
above average 23
below average 25
poor 0

Do you think the Cottenham landscape is special or nothing out of the ordinary?

very unusual 5
slightly unusual 20
ordinary 19
very ordinary 7

Do you think that the quality of the landscape is well protected or are you worried that it may be under threat?

well protected 3
partly protected 12
vulnerable 27
under serious threat 7

Respondents were also asked to describe what they liked and disliked about the landscape.

Positive comments included:
‘variety’, ‘flatness’, ‘feeling of space’, ‘views for miles’, ‘skies and sunsets’, ‘birds’, ‘views beyond parish’, ‘misty mornings’

Negative comments included:
‘lack of variety’, ‘flatness’, ‘monotonous’, ‘bleak’, ‘loss of hedges’, ‘loss of orchards’, ‘not enough woodland’, ‘lack of trees’, ‘traffic’, ‘litter’, ‘light polution’, ‘lack of access’

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