Annual General Meeting 2008

Minutes of the Cottenham Village Design Group Meeting held on Wednesday 27th February, 7.45pm, at Cottenham Village College

The evening started with two talks on

The Cambridgeshire Guided Busway

Guest Speaker Bob Menzies (Head of Delivery for the Busway at Cambridgeshire County Council) presented “Construction and Operation of the Cambridgeshire Guided Busway”.

Bob Menzies opened the evening with a topical and interesting discussion of the construction and operation of the Cambridgeshire Guided Busway (CGB) route from a civil engineering point of view. The talk elicited a number of interested questions and Mr Menzies provided detailed and thorough answers.

View the accompanying slideshow presentation (.pdf format 1.1Mb)

Guest Speaker Oliver Barnet (an ecologist from Arup) presented “Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity along the CGB”.

Oliver Barnet reviewed the environmental and ecological implications of the CGB, and discussed the extensive mitigation measures in place and long-term maintenance plan. The speech was interesting both from the ecological ‘green’ approach to maintaining the diverse habitats for flora and fauna, and also the integration of natural methods to enhance bank stabilization.

View the accompanying slideshow presentation (.pdf format 1.3Mb)

This was followed by:

The Cottenham Village Design Group (CVDG) AGM:

Committee Attendees: Kate Heydon, Alex Darby, Alex Thoukydides, Bill Miller, Steve Poole, Mike Smith, Alan Leeks, Patrick Clark.

Committee Apologies: Robin Heydon, Tim Wotherspoon.

Approval of 2008 AGM Meeting Minutes:


Alex Thoukydides, CVDG Chair presented a review of the year’s activities.

Alex provided an annual summary of the range of activities of the CVDG - from reviewing planning applications, to public events, competitions, public consultations, and the Village Design Statement update completed last year.

Steve Poole, Planning Officer presented an overview of 2007 planning comments results.

Steve presented a review of the year’s planning application comments in a series of pie-charts and graphs.

Bill Miller, Treasurer

Bill presented a breakdown of three budgets; the Cottenham Parish Council Grant, the Awards For All Grant, and membership funds.


Election of the Committee and Officers

i) Committee Members:
The following Committee Members were unanimously elected
- Robin Heydon, re-elected
- Alex Darby, re-elected
- Patrick Clark, new committee member

ii) Officer Positions:
The following Officer positions were unanimously elected:
- Alex Thoukydides, re-elected as Chair
- Kate Heydon, newly elected as Information Officer (currently also CVDG Secretary)

Any Other Business

i) Steve Poole discussed the Northstowe Public Consultation:
- seven out of eight committee members voted in favour of the following submission:

a) support for an open access road linking Cottenham to Northstowe (via Oakington Road)

b) subject to mitigation measures such as traffic weight or width restrictions


ii) Mike Smith advised that the Cottenham Fun Run Event will be on Saturday 10th May 2008.

iii) Mike Smith advised that tickets for 21st June 2008 Big Band (and Hog Roast) are on sale, raising funds for a 3-day event in 2009 (Cottenham Family Festival).

Next Meeting:

7:45pm, Monday 10th March 2008, 6 Tenison Manor, Cottenham.

View the accompanying slideshow presentation (.pdf format 1.4Mb)
(this includes summary accounts)

We aim to ensure that development and change in Cottenham is based on a considered understanding of the Village's past and present, and that it will contribute positively to the future of the Village, protecting and enhancing its special nature

Download the Village Design Statement (2007)
2.9 Mb Acrobat PDF file
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