Annual General Meeting 2007

Minutes of the Cottenham Village Design Group Meeting held on Thursday 22nd February, 8:00pm at Cottenham Village College

Eyes of Cottenham Through The Ages

The Cottenham Village Design Group held their AGM on 22nd February at the Cottenham Village College. The AGM was preceded by an interesting and topical talk lead by Alan Leeks. The talk incorporated the memories of Hugh Gautrey, Robert Smith and Robert Did-Dell on the topics of education, employment, farming, the war, drainage and traffic. The talk was expertly guided by Alan Leeks. The talk was well received with compliments and questions from the audience.


Attendees: Nigel Bolitho, Alex Darby, Ann Doubleday, Hugh Gautrey, Kate Heydon, Robin Heydon, Alan Leeks, Bill Miller, David Norman, Steve Poole, Mike Smith, Robert Smith, Alex Thoukydides, John Williams, Rick Bristow, Robert Did-Dell.

The Fen Edge Family Festival

was raised by Mike Smith and briefly discussed:
- The Fen Edge Family Festival on 22nd-24th June 2007.

Parish Council Commissioned Traffic Survey

David Norman from Cottenham Parish Council presented a brief talk outlining traffic complaints and traffic measurements taken within the village.

Drains Ancient and Modern

A Talk by Nigel Bolitho

Nigel Bolitho discussed drains ancient and modern. Nigel drew attention to the absence of an up to date map of Cottenham drains and problems experienced with local drain related flooding.

2006 AGM Minutes

Unaminously approved.

Review of the year's activities

by Alexander Thoukydides

Alexander Thoukydides reviewed last years minutes and activities held over 2006.

Submitted Comments
Within the village framework
Gypsy & Development Plan Document
Minerals & Waste Site Specific Proposals

Winner Vic Pinner

Upton cancelled due to lack of interest (possibly a trip idea for 2007)
Swaffham Ecotech Centre

David Grech (SCDC Planning)

Curry Palace (January 2007)

Alexander Thoukydides attended the Cambridgeshire Design Manual 2nd Stakeholder Workshop

Entries in the Village Newsletter and Fen Edge News
Entries on community websites
A stand at the Autumn Show

Review of the Design Statement Update

by Alexander Thoukydides

Alexander Thoukydides outlined the reason for the Design Statement Update, the work completed to date and the work remaining.

Reason for Update
Changes within the village over a decade (since 1994 Design Statement)
Changes in SCDC documents - LDF (local development framework)

Work Completed
Collated and incorporated data
Reuse of content
Updated figures i.e larger population etc.

In Progress
Good progress on reviewing text
Reviewing against LDF (local development framework)
The sustainability appraisal (for economic and social implications) has been rejected by SCDC (South Cambridgeshire District council) but with no guidelines on how to change.

To Do
Writing of the Introduction (including Public Consultation process)
Sustainability Appraisal
Layout/review text
Printed copies for public consultation
Select photographs for inclusion
Update map changes to the village (use SCDC graphic design)

Awards For All (lottery) Grant £6,282.00
Cottenham Parish Council Grant £698.00
The funds are to cover publishing, printing, design work, public consultation and exhibition.

Public Consultation
Pending the completion of a key LDF (local development framework) document by SCDC due in April - June 2007.
Public Consultation after June 2007.

Deadline for Completion of the Cottenham Village Design Update
All consultation and publishing must be completed by the end of November 2007.
All funding from Awards for All must be accounted by within a one year period.
Any unspent funds to be returned at the end of November 2007.

Requests for assistance
Prior to consultation - additional volunteers required
Please submit selected photographs for inclusion (not entire photo albums) for use in the Design Statement and related activities

Change to the Constitution:

Planning Comments Co-ordinator
Non officer position to an officer position unanimously approved.

Planning Summary

by Steven Poole

Steven Poole noted a downward trend throughout 2006 of numbers of planning applications submitted within Cottenham. Steve detailed the numbers and percentages for each type of application. Refusals were due to excessive scale, intrusive land scape/employee or facility retention/poor quality/impact on street scene/highway access/traveller. Steve discussed a correlation between the CVDG planning comments and the outcomes with the South Cambs District Council. A reasonably consistent positive correlation was noted. Steve discussed individual examples of correlation to illustrate the information presented.

Treasurer’s Report

by Steven Poole

Steve presented the 2006 budget. Due to fund raising grants and the lack of expenditure the budget for 2006 looks healthy. However grant funds are earmarked specifically to the Cottenham Village Design Statment Update and any grant funds from Awards for All remaining unspent at the end of November 2007 must be returned to Awards for All. For this reason it is critical that all printing work is completed by the end of November 2007.

Election of Committee and Officers

The committee has five nominee places and up to ten elected members. Members serve for two years after which they may offer themselves for re-election. Officers hold their positions for a maximum of four years consecutively.

(The group’s constitution is available at

2007 membership of the committee is:

Fen Edge Community Association Mike Smith
Cottenham Village Society (vacant)
Cottenham Parish Council Cllr Alan Leeks
South Cambridgeshire District Council (vacant)
Cambridge County Council Cllr Matthew Bradney

Chair Alexander Thoukydides (elected 2006)
Secretary Katherine Heydon (elected 2005, re-elected 2007)
Treasurer Bill Miller (elected 2007)
Membership Secretary Alan Leeks (elected 2007)
Information Officer Alexander Thoukydides (elected 2004, re-elected 2005, 2007)
Planning Comments Co-Ordinator Steven Poole (elected 2007)

John Williams (re-elected 2006)
Robin Heydon (re-elected 2006)
Cllr Tim Wotherspoon (elected 2005, 2007)
Alex Darby (elected 2006)
Ann Doubleday (elected 2006)
Cllr Nigel Bolitho (co-opted, elected 2007)

Any Other Business

Mike Smith thanked Alexander Thoukydides, Steven Poole, Katherine Heydon and Ann Doubleday for contributions to the Cottenham Village Design Statement Update.

Alexander Thoukydides requested a 'Call to action':
- Drains contact Nigel Bolitho
- Village Design Statement Update volunteers to contact Alexander Thoukydides
- Solutions to traffic problems to contact Alexander Thoukydides

Next Meeting

Focus Group
7th March 2007, 8pm at 6 Tenison Manor

12th March 2007, 7:30pm at 6 Tenison Manor.

We aim to ensure that development and change in Cottenham is based on a considered understanding of the Village's past and present, and that it will contribute positively to the future of the Village, protecting and enhancing its special nature

Download the Village Design Statement (2007)
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